More progress in porting Loser Corps to the ESP32 (see all posts about the port).
This is just a quick update: I have added shooting to the game. You
shoot by pressing ② in the Wiimote (or D
in the Arduino joystick).
There can be at most 14 shots active at once, and they do nothing but
fly in a straight line until they hit a wall or the edge of the map.

I also ported the game to use the ESP-IDF framework (as opposed to the Arduino framework, which originally used). I'm trying to see if I can decrease the memory used by the WiFi system so the game can use full 320x240 resolution while in networked mode, and the EDP-IDF framework has lots of configuration options. I haven't made much progress with it yet: I was just recently able to make the game run at full speed, after finding that I have to set not ony the processor clock to 240MHz but also the flash SPI clock to 80MHz (apparently the flash speed is a bottleneck, which is not surprising since we copy images directly from flash to the framebuffer).
As usual, the source is on Github (I realize I haven't written this before, so from now on I'll start adding this link to every post).